Moodboard Monday: A Nursery Into a Big Girl Room

When you have toddlers, there comes a time when you just know it’s time for them to move into a big kid bed. My 2 year old daughter, Lucy, recently figured out how to climb out of her crib to come visit us in the middle of the night. Which means her time has arrived.

For my husband thinks of this transition as simply taking down the crib and putting up a bed.

Me? I’m wondering whether we do a wood bed or something upholstered, and what kind of bedding will work with her wallpaper … or if we should just change the wallpaper altogether.

Which means it’s time for a mood board.

Here is Lucy’s room currently (and by currently I mean when she was an infant, we’ve since dropped the crib and removed the crib skirt). I love it.

Photo by Mindy Briar

I love the colors and the wallpaper in here, but one thing I don’t love is that I did a wallpaper accent wall. Because of the way the room is laid out, I’ll have to put the bed on a different wall than the crib is currently, which makes the accent wall look a little out of place. The problem is, the wallpaper is discontinued, so I either have to live with the current setup, or remove the existing wallpaper and replace it with something new.

I’m leaning towards replacing it, and going with something block-print style. If I do that, I’ll also probably go for a darker-wood bed, and a vibe that’s a little more English county/ modern cottage overall, than the current space. Here’s what I’m thinking!

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