Easy Wallpaper Bookcase Update

So this project was totally unintentional. And by that I mean, I found myself at one of my favorite spots, Retail 101, a few weeks ago and while I was there I saw a few rolls of a fun black & white striped wallpaper for $15 each. I had no idea where I was going to use these wallpaper rolls … but I couldn’t leave them behind.

So, I bought them and felt like I’d find a place to use them someday.

It didn’t take me very long to find the perfect place to use them: to wallpaper the back of our bookcases in the living room.

Like I said, I did this project totally on a whim. I decided to go for it on Friday morning, and when I out my daughter down for her nap, I look everything off the shelves and got to work.

Here’s what the bookcase looked like before:

The wallpaper was pre-pasted, which means it has a layer of glue on the back that is activated by water. After cutting each panel to the proper length, I used a spray bottle to wet each panel of wallpaper and slid it into place.


I was lucky that the wallpaper was almost exactly as wide as the shelves, which made this project super simple. I was literally finished with it before my daughter woke up from her nap.

Here’s the after:

Not bad for $30 and 2 hours of time, right?

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